Juniors TEAM PAGE (11-12)
11-12 Head Coach
Jim Montgomery
Please use form to sign up for meet on 29th – link in post.
Hi Team,
I hope you’re all doing well. As of now, we only have 28 athletes who have responded for the upcoming meet. It’s important for everyone to sign up, even if you won’t be able to attend. Please mark yourself as absent if you can’t make it, so I know who to follow up with.
To ensure we’re all prepared and ready, please take a moment to sign up for your events using the following link:
Thank you for your cooperation and dedication!
Best regards,
Spring Break and Meet on the 29th
Hi everyone,
I hope you are having a great start to your Spring Break week! Just a quick reminder that we will not have any practice sessions this week due to the break. However, we do have a meet coming up on Saturday, the 29th. To ensure that we are all prepared and ready, please take a moment to sign up for your athletes’ events using the following link:
Looking ahead to next week, our next practice will be on March 31st. In the meantime, we really want our athletes to keep up their conditioning during the break. Here are some suggestions to help maintain their fitness:
For Distance Runners:
– Aim for 3 running workouts this week and try to incorporate some hill work if possible.
– Start with a 3-minute jog to warm up.
– Follow up with dynamic stretches.
– Proceed with a 25-35 minute run.
– Finish with strength and core exercises.
For Sprinters:
– Aim for 3 running workouts this week and try to do your sprints uphill if possible.
– Start with a 3-minute jog to warm up.
– Follow up with dynamic stretches.
– Do 5 x 15-second full sprints with 2-minute rest between each.
– Do 2 x 30-second full sprints with 2-minute rest between each.
– Finish with strength and core exercises.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or text me at 805-368-6999.
Coach Jim
United Track Club – Westlake High – Meet 3
Dear 12U Parents and Athletes,
Now, we look forward to our third regular season meet against the United Track Club, one of the new teams to VCYTC, in Westlake this Saturday, March 22nd. The meet will be held at:
Westlake High School
100 Lakeview Canyon Rd
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
Event Sign-up: Most athletes signed up for their events Yesterday. They can also sign up for track meet events on Wednesday at practice.
I know a lot of people are out of town for Spring Break!
If your athlete will not attend the next meet, please have them let a coach know so that we can sign them up as not attending.
If your athletes plan to participate but are not able to attend practice on Wednesday this week, feel free to email or text me with their event choices by Wednesday evening.
Relays: If athletes want to run relays, it really helps if they are at specialty practice on Tuesday and Thursday. If an athlete signs up for a relay, their attendance is crucial, and we expect them to participate in the relay they signed up for. The 4×100 is one of the first events in the morning, so you must be on time. Athletes who are late checking in could be dropped from a relay team and replaced by another athlete. Athletes who commit to running a relay should be considerate of other team members who are relying on them to participate in the relay.
No Water Cups at meet: United has adopted an eco-friendly, no cup policy for post-race water on the field. There will be water available, but athletes will need to bring their own water bottles to get a refill.
Lost and Found: Many athletes are leaving their belongings behind without labels. We have a lost and found container in the shed. If your athlete is missing something, please check the container. To help us return items more efficiently, please label all your kids’ clothes and belongings.
No practice next week: As a reminder there will be no practice next week (March 24 & 28) due to the Ventura Unified School District Spring Break, but we will have a home meet on Saturday, March 29
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.
Coach Jim
1st Meet Saturday at Filmore High School
Dear 12U Parents and Athletes,
What a fun practice meet Saturday! Our Athletes did so great!
Now we look forward to our first regular season meet against the Heritage Valley Blazers in Filmore this Saturday March 8th. The meet will be held at:
Fillmore High School
555 Central Ave
Fillmore, CA 93015
Event Sign-up: Most Athletes signed up for their events today. Please ask them about the events they are running. We are always encouraging them to try new things. If you missed today, you can sign-up for track meet events on Wednesday at practice. If your athlete will not attend the next meet please have them let a coach know so that we can sign them up as not attending. If your athletes plan to participate but are not able to attend practice on Wednesday this week, feel free to email me or text me with their event choices by Wednesday evening.
Events for 12U Team:
This week we can compete in all of the events offered. A lot of parents are asking me about when an event will happen. The answer is I don’t know. The order of events never changes but sometimes events take longer depending on how many athletes choose an event and which team is hosting.
It always goes fastest when Tigres host because we are so organized.
The order of the running events is:
Hurdles (they must be cleared by a coach on Tuesday to compete)
4×400 (free event – NOT counting towards their total)
Athletes must be cleared by a specialty coach for Hurdles, High Jump and Shot Put. To be cleared to compete in these events, they must talk to the specialty coaches on specialty days which are Tuesdays and Thursdays. We do not practice these events on Monday and Wednesday.
Event Limits: At this meet, athletes may compete in up to 4 events. With up to 3 of the 4 being running events. Athletes may also participate in the 4×400 relay, which is always free, meaning it doesn’t count against their 4 events.
Relays: If athletes want to run relays it really helps if they are at specialty practice Tuesday and Thursday. If an athlete signs up for a relay, their attendance is crucial, and we expect them to participate in the relay they signed up for. The 4×100 is one of the first events in the morning so you must be on time. Athletes who are late checking in could be dropped from a relay team and replaced by another athlete. Athletes who commit to running a relay should be considerate of other team members who are relying on them to participate in the relay.
Meet Day Details: On Saturday, athletes should meet the coaches at 7:45 AM on the field. Being on time is crucial, as we will cover important information. Please be sure your athletes wear their uniform and bring additional warm clothes. Athletes must wear their Tigres Singlet and black running shorts (Tigres-issued or otherwise). Layering with sweats on top is recommended. Also, bring labeled water, snacks, and sunscreen. Please label everything and consider bringing a bag for their belongings. Since food is not allowed out on the track, athletes may bring another bag with snacks (labeled with their name) that can be placed under the 12U EZ-Up in the stands.
Independence is expected, so they should be near coaches and ready to run when called. Each athlete will receive a list of their events on their sticker at check-in. Coaches will try to remind athletes throughout the meet of their schedule, but athletes are responsible for their own event scheduling. Coaches will also not always be able to search for athletes who are not nearby when they are called to compete. Missed races cannot be rescheduled.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.
Coach Jim
Resending Updates – Email Issues – Specialties practice tomorrow!
Hello, 12U Families!
It looks like a lot of people have not been getting my posts. I am told it is fixed now so I am resending my informational email.
We have had two fun practices now and our first specialties practice is tomorrow!
Coaching staff:
Head Coach – Jim Montgomery
Assistant Coaches – Dominka Montgomery, Beth Belk, Brenna Huhn, Bryce Kinard, Dave Gilbert, David Young, Elijah Willis, Han Hanjoyo, Leah Kahler, Lori Figueroa, Maria Mellein, Ryan Stepp, Stacy Hebert, Stephen Isbell
Goals for the season:
- Safety
- Fun and an appreciation for the benefits of sports and exercise
- Good Sportsmanship
- Developing your athlete’s abilities and helping them to achieve their goals.
Questions and information:
The most efficient way to communicate with me is through email on the website. I am also available for questions after practice. I will email regularly, especially once the meets begin in March. You can text me as well.
12U will have team practices on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00 at the Buena High School track.
Track is all weather rated, so we will practice rain or shine!
Parents are welcome to stay and watch, but only athletes and coaches are allowed on the field. Please be on time for pickup; a coach must stay with your athlete until you arrive.
Athletes will work with specialty coaches on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Preparation for practice:
Please have your athlete dressed and ready to go. They will need a bag to carry their belongings:
- Sweatshirt and bottoms
- Small towel
- Water bottle (NO food/Gatorade on the track – water only)
- Good Running Shoes!
I always end up with a ton of gear left behind. PLEASE label everything!!
We understand that other sports, illnesses, and injuries may conflict with practice. You do not need to email me if your athlete does not attend practice, but I would appreciate knowing if they are injured and if they are not going to attend a meet. Please do not send them to practice if they are injured.
12U athletes can participate in all of the events:
Field – Hurdles, Long Jump, High Jump, and Shot Put
Relay – 4X100 and the 4X400
Distance – 3200, 1600, and 800
Sprints – 100, 200, and 400
12U Athletes (2013 – 2014) can participate in 4 events at each meet with a maximum of 3 running events. The 4X100 counts toward their running event total, but the 4X400 is free. (Meaning the 4X400 does not count against their 4 events)
Some athletes know what events they are interested in, while others are still deciding. We will encourage them to try everything until they decide which events they like the most. Event sign-ups will be on Mondays and Wednesdays on the field.
Setting up the relay teams for the 4X100 and the 4X400 takes time. Once your athlete selects the relay, they commit to three other team athletes. Relay teams will be created based on times and attendance. Sometimes, we cannot build a full relay team due to numbers, but we will do our best to ensure it is a fair process.
I will send out more information regarding meets as the dates come closer, but for your future planning, the meet schedule on the website is accurate, and meets typically go from 8:00 – 3:00ish. The order of events is also on the website, and it does not change. All meets will run in that order.
We look forward to seeing you at Specialties practice tomorrow!!
See you soon,
Jim Montgomery
Reminder, practice today at Arroyo Verde 4:30 to 5:30
Just a reminder, we’re gonna have practice at Arroyo Verde today from 4:30 to 5:30
No Specialties Today and Practice Monday at Arroyo Verde
Attention 12U
Our first practice on Wednesday was so much fun! It was great to see all the new and returning runners. I hope you all had fun, and if it was hard, don’t be discouraged—it gets easier as we get conditioned!
There will be no specialty practices today. These practices will start next week on Tuesday and Thursday.
Due to VUSD being on vacation Monday, we won’t be able to practice at Buena High School. However, to keep us running and because our first meet is on March 1st, I’ll be holding a practice on Monday at Arroyo Verde Park from 4:30 to 5:30 PM for anyone interested. We’ll meet by the first bathrooms on the left as you enter the park.
Also, a reminder that it’s important for all athletes to have good running shoes and water!
Hope to see you there!
Coach Jim
First Practice Today and other Valuable Information!
Hello, 12U Families!
Coaching staff:
Jim Montgomery – Head Coach
Dominka Montgomery
Beth Belk
Brenna Huhn
Bryce Kinard
Dave Gilbert
David Young
Elijah Willis
Han Hanjoyo
Leah Kahler
Lori Figueroa
Maria Mellein
Ryan Stepp
Stacy Hebert
Stephen Isbell
Goals for the season:
- Safety
- Fun and an appreciation for the benefits of sports and exercise
- Good Sportsmanship
- Developing your athlete’s abilities and helping them to achieve their goals.
Questions and information:
The most efficient way to communicate with me is through email on the website. I am also available for questions after practice. I will email regularly, especially once the meets begin in March. You can text me as well.
12U will have team practices on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00 at the Buena High School track.
Track is all weather rated, so we will practice rain or shine!
Parents are welcome to stay and watch, but only athletes and coaches are allowed on the field. Please be on time for pickup; a coach must stay with your athlete until you arrive.
Athletes will work with specialty coaches on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Preparation for practice:
Please have your athlete dressed and ready to go. They will need a bag to carry their belongings:
- Sweatshirt and bottoms
- Small towel
- Water bottle (NO food/Gatorade on the track – water only)
- Good Running Shoes!
I always end up with a ton of gear left behind. PLEASE label everything!!
We understand that other sports, illnesses, and injuries may conflict with practice. You do not need to email me if your athlete does not attend practice, but I would appreciate knowing if they are injured and if they are not going to attend a meet. Please do not send them to practice if they are injured.
12U athletes can participate in all of the events:
Field – Hurdles, Long Jump, High Jump, and Shot Put
Relay – 4X100 and the 4X400
Distance – 3200, 1600, and 800
Sprints – 100, 200, and 400
12U Athletes (2013 – 2014) can participate in 4 events at each meet with a maximum of 3 running events. The 4X100 counts toward their running event total, but the 4X400 is free. (Meaning the 4X400 does not count against their 4 events)
Some athletes know what events they are interested in, while others are still deciding. We will encourage them to try everything until they decide which events they like the most. Event sign-ups will be on Mondays and Wednesdays on the field.
Setting up the relay teams for the 4X100 and the 4X400 takes time. Once your athlete selects the relay, they commit to three other team athletes. Relay teams will be created based on times and attendance. Sometimes, we cannot build a full relay team due to numbers, but we will do our best to ensure it is a fair process.
I will send out more information regarding meets as the dates come closer, but for your future planning, the meet schedule on the website is accurate, and meets typically go from 8:00 – 3:00ish. The order of events is also on the website, and it does not change. All meets will run in that order.
We look forward to greeting former and new athletes on Today!!
See you soon,
Jim Montgomery
Parent Meeting Tonight and First Practice February 5th
Important Parent Meeting on Monday, February 3rd
Dear Parents,
We are holding an important parent meeting tonight Monday, February 3rd at 6:30 pm in the Buena High School Cafeteria. Both returning and new parents are encouraged to attend. During this meeting, we will:
- Discuss the upcoming season
- Explain our volunteer sign-up system
- Answer any questions you may have
Parents of new athletes are welcome to bring proof of birth year (either passport or birth certificate) to the meeting.
Our first practice day for 12U (Juniors) will be on Wednesday, February 5th at 4:30 pm at the Buena High School Track.
We look forward to seeing you Tonight!
12 U Varsity Practice Tomorrow
We are tapering and doing very light workouts, so please plan on picking up your athlete early tomorrow. We will finish at 5:30. Thank you!
Training Plan
2025 Tigres 11-12 Training Plan
Specialty Events
Supplemental Training
The 400 meter master – Clyde Hart
Single Leg Squat Clock
Great hip strength/stability exercise
Injury Management
Managing Tendinopathies