TIGRES PARENTS: We apologize for bombarding you will all the emails the past couple days – as we come to the end of this 2016 track season we have lots of information to get out yet.
In June we will also be coming to the end of the 2016 Board of Directors session before taking a two month hiatus and commencing the 2017 season in September.
In addition to losing members each year due to their athletes aging up, Tigres has also expanded the number of positions and included more defined roles for each member. As a result there are several open positions and we are seeking parent volunteers to fill these positions. In addition to helping with many of the decisions that are made, each board member plays a very active role each season, beginning 2-3 months before signups as well as throughout the Feb-May season during practices and meets.
If you are interested in joining the board or have any questions about what is involved, let us know. You can send an email from the Board Members page (link below) and filling out the Tigres Board Inquiry form. You can also talk to a board member at our end of season awards picnic this Sunday. You can find the list of open positions on the Board Member page under “2017 Volunteer Board Positions”.
Link: Ventura Tigres 2016/2017 Executive Board & Volunteer Board Members