by bantams | Apr 24, 2018 | Bantams
Hello Parents – Just a reminder that tomorrow’s practice will be at Arroyo Verde Park at 4:30. We’ll be playing some games and firing up the grill for some food towards the end. Your athlete may get a little bit wet, so be sure to pack some warmer...
by bantams | Apr 23, 2018 | Bantams
Hello Parents! I hope you all enjoyed our evening meet this past weekend! Thank you all for coming out, supporting your athletes, staying late, and doing your volunteer duties – without that, our meets would not happen. I will have signups at practice today and...
by bantams | Apr 21, 2018 | Bantams
Hello Parents – Quick reminder about today’s meet – 3:00PM start time at Buena. If your athlete has signed up for the 4×100 relay, please have them there no later than 2:45. Also, it will get cool in the evening, so please be sure your athlete...
by bantams | Apr 19, 2018 | Bantams
Hello Parents – Due to a track meet at Buena, specialty practice is cancelled today. Also, if your athlete has not signed up for Saturday’s meet and plans to participate, please send me their meet signups by this evening. Thank you! Coach...
by bantams | Apr 18, 2018 | Bantams
Hello – Just a reminder that today is picture day – please make sure your athlete it wearing their Tigres uniform. If they wish to wear an undershirt, please make sure it is either black or white. Event Sign Up sheets for this...