by bantams | Mar 27, 2017 | Archived News
April 8th and 9th is the Southern California Youth Invitational held at Ventura High School This meet is a “can’t miss” experience for all athletes. It is NOT an “elite only” meet, all athletes can attend and it is a great chance for all of our...
by bantams | Mar 26, 2017 | Archived News
Happy Sunday Bantams and Parents, Wow, wow, WOW another great meet with this awesome Bantam team! Parents: Thank you again for sharing your athletes with us. They are an incredible group of kids! Thank for labeling clothes. I have a few sweatshirts to return on...
by bantams | Mar 22, 2017 | Archived News
Hi Bantams and Parents This Saturday we will be competing against the Oxnard Stars At Oxnard High School. Directions can be found on the Tigres home page. Meet start time is 8:30 Please have your athletes on the field for stickers and pre meet meeting at 8:00. ...
by bantams | Mar 16, 2017 | Archived News
I am missing meet sign ups for the following athletes for this Saturday’s home meet against Moorpark Annie and Lexie Bridget Kalea Kenley Kylee Ryann Sela Beckett Ethan J Fletcher Joaquin V Niels Sol Tyler H Please email your athletes events ASAP Thank you,...
by bantams | Mar 12, 2017 | Archived News
WOW! The smiles on the coaches’ faces matched those on the athletes’ faces. That was (to quote one of our newest athletes, Asher, when asked what he thought of his first track meet)……”AWESOME!” Bantams, your Energy, Enthusiasm,...