by bantams | Mar 8, 2017 | Archived News
Hi Bantams and Parents, This Saturday we will kick off our Tigres 2017 season with a dual meet against the Ojai Roadrunners. YAY!!! When: Saturday March 11th. Meet start time 1:00 pm. Athletes arrive at 12:30pm Where: Nordhoff High School, Ojai CA The...
by bantams | Mar 5, 2017 | Archived News
Bantams and parents, Thank you to all Bantam athletes and parents that were able to attend yesterday’s practice meet! I saw lots of smiling faces and quick feet out there. I hope that our new athletes and families have a better feel for how the meets run. Please...
by bantams | Mar 2, 2017 | Archived News
Hi Bantams and parents. I am missing practice meet sign ups for the following athletes: Vail Newman Kenley O’Steen Ryann Rackley Paige Swenson Tyler Hoff Anthony Manizza Alex Quici Choices for Bantams are 2 running events and 1 field event from the...
by bantams | Mar 1, 2017 | Archived News
WOOHOO Tigres Practice Meet is only 2 days away!!!!! Here is your need to know: Label everything Athletes are to arrive at the meet at 8 am Bantams will meet on the field under the goalpost as we usually do for practice Only water on the Buena track, all other...
by bantams | Feb 25, 2017 | Archived News
Bantams and parents, It has been a wonderful start to the 2017 Tigres season! The Bantam coaching staff has been impressed by your athletes’ attitudes and effort! And the fun has just begun….. Saturday March 4th will be our Tigres Practice Meet. This meet will...