4-12 Bantam Upcoming Meets Please Read

Dear parents We are quickly approaching the end of our regular season. Only 2 meets remain before League Finals (formally called “JV”) and VCYTC Championships (formally “Varsity”). Here are some important things to think about as we approach League Finals and VCYTC...

3-10 Bantam Updates- Please Read

WOW!! What a wet, wild, muddy, cold, then sunny and hot weekend full of PRs, smiles, effort, sportsmanship, camaraderie, laughter and overall team building. I hope everyone enjoyed the meet as much as I did. What an amazing group of athletes! One item that we need to...

3-8 Tomorrow’s meet 8:30 start

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all excited about the meet this weekend. As of tonight the meet is scheduled to go on. I will continue to check for updates tonight and early tomorrow in case things change with the rain. Parking is tight at Royal High School so if your...

4-3 Bantam practice this week

Bantam Monday and Wednesday practice will end at 6:00 this week. On Monday, we will have shot put practice available for all interested from 5:30-6. We will also have relay practice from 5:30-6 goooOOOO BANTAMS!

Southern California Youth Invitational- Please read

All Bantams wanting to attend this coming weekend’s Southern California Youth Invitational MUST SIGN UP by the end of practice on Monday. If you will not be at practice, please send your events to bantams@venturatigres.org ASAP. If we do not have your events by...