“Tigres vision is to provide high quality track and field programs that enhance children’s lives”

I hope everyone had a great first day of practice! Thanks to all the parents who were able to attend the meeting. The next three days of practice will look similar to the one we just had. As soon as we move to Buena we will begin track workouts and long jump practice.

Due to the fact that the other two groups meet by the first bathrooms, we will continue to meet by the benches at the end of the first parking lot. At the end of practice all the athletes will meet with the coaches in a big circle, that way we can get a head count and the parents will be able to tell that practice is over.

Already a few athletes were not signed out, please make sure your child is signed in and out. We have an awesome volunteer who stayed at practice all day today to make sure all the kids were with a parent. Please help to make her job easier by signing your child out as close to the time practice ends as possible. Thanks!

See you Thursday at 4:30.

Aliya Shah