We are almost 12 hours away from our first meet. The Austin Gambill Memorial Track Meet. Please have the kids there, at the Buena High School Track, by 8 AM. Especially anyone that is running in the 100m Hurdles, and the 1600m races. They’ll need to make sure that they are warmed-up. The meet starts promptly at 8:30 AM. We will meet near our normal practice area. The kids will get stickers to attach to their singlets for checking-in purposes. They’ll need to see the coaches for these.

Although I can’t predict the exact time that the meet will end, it will be much shorter than our usual league meets. I look forward to seeing you all there. Remember if you need to get ahold of me in the morning with any emergency or concern please call or text me at (805) 746-7023. I don’t always hear my phone, but I’ll get ahold of you once I realize that you have called or texted.

~Coach Brian
Go Tigres!