
Juniors TEAM PAGE (11-12)

11-12 Head Coach

Jim Montgomery

12U Post JV and Varsity Info

Hello 12U families!

We hope you had a fantastic time at the last meet! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ As the season winds down, we’re thrilled to invite you to our Tigres Picnic on Sunday, May 19th. Join us in the Quad area of Buena High School, right behind the cafeteria. We’ll be serving up delicious pizzas, and we kindly request that our 12U athletes bring a salad or a side for 12 people. Lunch will be from 12:00 to 1:00, followed by announcements and a celebration of our athletes’ achievements, grouped by age.

Lost something during the season? Don’t worry! The lost and found will be at the picnic location for one final chance to reclaim any items before they find new homes.

See you there! 🎉🥳

The following athletes will continue with practice this week (Monday-Thursday) on a slightly shorter schedule (4:30-5:45).


Marcella Torres

Naomi Isbell

Brooke Wondoloski

Maren Kuebler

Savannah Figueroa

Eva Azer

Kayla Madden

Nash Acker

Johannes Hanjoyo

80M Hurdles

Nikki Fernandez Troolines

Piper Limauro

Violet De Leon


Maren Kuebler

Eva Azer

Kayla Madden

Nash Acker

Jacob Nuckols


Annabelle Nation

Jude Stepp


Violet De Leon


Addison Karp

Eva Azer

Jacob Nuckols


Jude Stepp

Long Jump

Addison Karp

Piper Limauro

Myles Rail

High Jump

Eva Azer

Declan Feeney

Shot Put

Kori DeLeon

Natalie Montgomery


Annabelle Nation

Brooklyn Moore

Piper Limauro

Violet De Leon

Jack Rosenberg

Jude Stepp

Liam Mitchell

Lucky Hedrick Aguilar


Eva Azer

Addison Karp

Annabelle Nation

Maren Kuebler

Alistair Hood

Benjamin Kahler

Jude Stepp

Salvadore Metzler





JV Meet and Varsity Athletes – fixed link

Good morning!

As we approach the end of this incredible season, here are some important reminders:

  1. This is the final week of practice for many of our athletes.
  2. Shift Completion: If you haven’t completed your four required shifts, please reach out to Jeremy Patelzick at tigres.ventura@gmail.com. Completing these shifts ensures priority registration for next year.  For athletes finishing their season this week, consider volunteering for a shift at the JV meet. It’s an easy way to fulfill your commitment.
  3. Varsity Meet: Results are in! Athletes moving on to Varsity will compete on May 4th and potentially on May 11th. If your athlete won’t be available for these two dates, please let me know immediately. Relay teams need to be finalized. For a list of Varsity Qualifiers click here -> Varsity Team

Thank you for your support!

Coach Jim


12U Important Upcoming Dates

12U Families,

As our regular season nears its end, please take note of these important dates:

  • Wednesday, April 17th: Picture Day at Buena Track. All athletes must arrive ON TIME wearing their Tigres running singlet and black shorts.
  • Saturday, April 20th: Last regular season meet at Thousand Oaks High School. The meet starts at 8:30 AM, with athletes required to arrive by 7:45 AM. This is the final chance for your athlete to try new events, earn a golden or platinum baton, or achieve a varsity time.
  • Wednesday, April 24th: Last regular team practice.
  • Saturday, April 27th: Junior Varsity meet – all athletes can participate. For many, this will be the end of the season.
  • Week of April 29th: Practice is for Varsity athletes only.
  • Saturday, May 4th: Varsity meet – athletes must qualify to compete.
  • Week of May 6th: Practice is for Super Varsity athletes only.
  • Saturday, May 11th: Super Varsity meet – athletes must qualify to compete.
  • Sunday, May 19th: Tigres picnic – details to follow.

If you have any questions, please call, or email me. If you anticipate your athlete is moving up to Varsity or Super Varsity and foresee any conflicts for the May 4th or 11th meets, please inform me immediately.

Thank you for your ongoing support!



12U Season Updates

Hello 12U families!

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break! Here are some important updates for this week:

No Practice on Wednesday, April 10th: Due to a home meet at Buena, there will be no practice on Wednesday.

Event Sign-Up: Athletes need to sign up for this weekend’s events on Monday. For those attending specialty practice, sign-up can be on Tuesday, or you can text me your athletes events.

Meet Location: Our meet this weekend (April 13th) will be held at Camarillo High School. Arrival time remains the same as usual, at 7:45 AM.

As our season progresses rapidly, there are only two regular season meets left before we transition into the championship season. Here’s what’s ahead:

Junior Varsity Meet on April 27th (open to all athletes)

Varsity Meet on May 4th (athletes must qualify during regular season)

Super Varsity Meet on May 11th (qualification through the Varsity Meet)

For most athletes, their last meet will be on April 27th.

To qualify for the Varsity Meet on May 4th, athletes need to achieve specific rankings in various events. These rankings will be determined based on their performance after the April 20th meet. It’s important to note that qualifying for the Varsity is a significant achievement within the VCYTC League.

The top 9 athletes in the league will qualify for the Varsity category in the following events: 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, and field events.  For the 800 meters, 1600 meters, and 3200 meters, the top 12 athletes in the league will qualify.

We encourage athletes to aim for qualification, so please review the Top 20 lists for each category to identify the best opportunities for each athlete.

Narrowing down their focus on specific events for the next two meets can help them achieve this goal.

Here are links to the lists for 12U.

Men’s 2024 VCYTC Track & Field Performance List (athletic.net)

Women’s 2024 VCYTC Track & Field Performance List (athletic.net)

Additionally, top relay teams for the 4×100 and 4×400 will be selected.

Please be aware that the Top 20 lists will be updated based on the results from this weekend’s meet, which will be available on athletic.net. These lists will continue to change throughout the season.

If you have any questions, especially if you’re new to Tigres, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.



Spring Break Suggestions and upcoming dates!

Hello 12U Families,

I hope you’re all doing well and having a fun spring break!! Our recent meet on Saturday was fantastic, and I’m thrilled that the weather cooperated. The athletes truly gave their best performance.

As we enter Spring Break, please note that there will be no practice this week, and there is no meet scheduled for April 6th. However, we’ll resume practice on April 8th. Unfortunately, the practice on April 10th (Wednesday) has been canceled due to a home meet at Buena.

Mark your calendars for our next meet, which will take place on Saturday, April 13th, at Camarillo High School. I’ll provide more detailed information closer to the date.

To ensure our kids maintain their conditioning during the break, here are our recommendations:

Try to get three workouts this week:

  1. Distance Workouts:
    • Warm up with a 3-minute jog.
    • Engage in dynamic stretches.
    • Aim for a 25-35 minute run.
    • If possible, incorporate some hill work on one of the days.
  2. Sprint Workouts:
    • Begin with a 3-minute jog to warm up.
    • Perform dynamic stretches.
    • Complete 5 sets of 15-second full sprints, with a 2-minute rest between each set.
    • Follow up with 2 sets of 30-second full sprints, again with a 2-minute rest between each set.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to me via call or text.

Coach Jim Phone: 805-368-6999

Dear 12U Families,

We had an incredible meet last Saturday! Thank you to our amazing athletes and dedicated parent volunteers. The meet results will be posted soon.  It’s fantastic to share that many of our dedicated athletes have already achieved goals they set for themselves. Their hard work and determination are truly paying off!

Relay Request: If your athlete signed up for the relay, especially the 4×100, please text me if they can’t attend. The 4×100 relay is scheduled early, and finding a replacement without notice is challenging. Please note that if an athlete is late to the meet, they may be replaced on the relay.

Specialty Practices: For relay, high jump, long jump, or shot-put athletes, attend specialty practices to work on these skills. Relay team formation will consider attendance at these practices.

Hydration Reminder: Several distance runners reported dry throats during the morning races. Proper hydration is crucial! Start hydrating the day before the meet and continue on the day of the event.

We’re hosting Meet #2 against Gold Coast and Ojai!

Arrival Time for Saturday: Please arrive by 7:45 AM.

Thank you!


Coach Jim


1st meet this Saturday March 9th at Buena High School

Dear 12U Parents and Athletes,

What a fun practice meet last Saturday! Even with the incredible weather our Athletes did so great!

You can find the results here Results (venturatigres.org)

Now we look forward to our first home regular season meet against the Heritage Valley Blazers this Saturday March 9th.

Event Sign-up: Most Athletes signed up for their events yesterday. Please ask them about the events they are running. We are always encouraging them to try new things. If you missed yesterday, you can sign-up for track meet events on Wednesday at practice. If your athlete will not attend the next meet please have them let a coach know so that we can sign them up as not attending. If your athletes plan to participate but are not able to attend practice on Wednesday this week, feel free to email me or text me with their event choices by Wednesday evening.

Events for 12U Team:

This week we can compete in all of the events offered. A lot of parents are asking me about when an event will happen. The answer is I don’t know. The order of events never changes but sometimes events take longer depending on how many athletes choose an event and which team is hosting. It always goes fastest when Tigres host because we are so organized.

The order of running events is:


Hurdles (they must be cleared by a coach on Tuesday to compete)







4×400 (free event – NOT counting towards their total)

Athletes must be cleared by a specialty coach for Hurdles, High Jump and Shot Put. To be cleared to compete in these events, they must talk to the specialty coaches on specialty days which are Tuesdays and Thursdays. We do not practice these events on Monday and Wednesday.

Event Limits: At this meet, athletes may compete in up to 4 events. With up to 3 of the 4 being running events. Athletes may also participate in the 4×400 relay, which is always free, meaning it doesn’t count against their 4 events.

Relays: If athletes want to run relays it really helps if they are at specialty practice Tuesday and Thursday. If an athlete signs up for a relay, their attendance is crucial, and we expect them to participate in the relay they signed up for. The 4×100 is one of the first events in the morning so you must be on time.  Athletes who are late checking in could be dropped from a relay team and replaced by another athlete.  Athletes who commit to running a relay should be considerate of other team members who are relying on them to participate in the relay.

Meet Day Details: On Saturday, athletes should meet the coaches at 7:45 AM at our usual spot on the field. Being on time is crucial, as we will cover important information. Please be sure your athletes wear their uniform and bring additional warm clothes. Athletes must wear their Tigres Singlet and black running shorts (Tigres-issued or otherwise). Layering with sweats on top is recommended. Also, bring labeled water, snacks, and sunscreen. Please label everything and consider bringing a bag for their belongings. Since food is not allowed out on the track, athletes may bring another bag with snacks (labeled with their name) that can be placed under the 12U EZ-Up in the stands.

Independence is expected, so they should be near coaches and ready to run when called. Each athlete will receive a list of their events on their sticker at check-in. Coaches will try to remind athletes throughout the meet of their schedule, but athletes are responsible for their own event scheduling. Coaches will also not always be able to search for athletes who are not nearby when they are called to compete. Missed races cannot be rescheduled.

If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.

Coach Jim



Practice Meet Saturday March 2nd

Dear 12U Parents and Athletes,

We’re thrilled about the upcoming track meets and appreciate the hard work our athletes have put into their training so far. Please ensure that your athlete’s goal worksheet is turned in this week. Some were returned to the athletes because the goals they indicated weren’t measurable – for instance, “I would like to run faster” is not a measurable goal, while “I would like to get a Personal Record at least 3 times this season” is.

Event Sign-up: Athletes can sign-up for track meet events on Monday and Wednesday at practice. Please have your athletes think about what events they want to compete in and let the coaches know at practice. The coaches will sign up the athletes for their events on the track meet app during practice. If your athlete will not attend the practice meet this Saturday, March 2nd, please have them let a coach know so that we can sign them up as not attending. If your athletes plan to participate but are not able to attend practice on Monday or Wednesday this week, feel free to email me with their event choices by Wednesday evening.

Events for 12U Team: The 12U team can compete in a subset of events, including 80M Hurdles, 4 X 100, 800, 200, 4×400, Long Jump, High Jump, and Shot Put.

Athletes must be cleared by a specialty coach for Hurdles and High Jump. To be cleared to compete in these events, they must talk to the specialty coaches on specialty days which are Tuesdays and Thursdays. We do not practice these events on Monday and Wednesday.

 Event Limits: At the practice meet, athletes may compete in 2 running events and 1 field event. Athletes may also participate in the 4×400 relay, which is always free, meaning they can run in the 4×400 in addition to the 2 running and 1 field event.

Relays: If an athlete signs up for a relay, their attendance is crucial, and we expect them to participate in the relay they signed up for. The 4×100 is one of the first events in the morning.  Athletes who are late checking in could be dropped from a relay team and replaced by another athlete.  Athletes who commit to running a relay should be considerate of other team members who are relying on them to participate in the relay.

Meet Day Details: On Saturday, athletes should meet the coaches at 7:45 AM at our usual spot on the field. Being on time is crucial, as we will cover important information. Please be sure your athletes wear their uniform and bring additional warm clothes. If you haven’t already picked up your uniforms, they can be picked up at 7:30 AM on Saturday. Athletes must wear their Tigres Singlet and black running shorts (Tigres-issued or otherwise). Layering with sweats on top is recommended. Also, bring labeled water, snacks, and sunscreen. Please label everything and consider bringing a bag for their belongings. Since food is not allowed out on the track, athletes may bring another bag with snacks (labeled with their name) that can be placed under the 12U EZ-Up in the stands.

Purpose of the Practice Meet: The meet on Saturday serves as practice for our regular season meets. Athletes will experience event calls, warming up, and the staging process. Independence is expected, so they should be near coaches and ready to run when called. Each athlete will receive a list of their events on their sticker at check-in. Coaches will try to remind athletes throughout the meet of their schedule, but athletes are responsible for their own event scheduling. Coaches will also not always be able to search for athletes who are not nearby when they are called to compete. Missed races cannot be rescheduled.

For new Tigres, this is an opportunity to experience a meet before facing other competitors.

For Parents: The practice meet is used to train our volunteers in their positions, so that the meets run smoothly when we host other teams.  Expect that things will NOT run smoothly, and there will be delays and possibly a lot of standing around at the practice meet.  This is part of the training, please be patient!

If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.

Coach Jim



12U Practice this week!

We’re thrilled to start our first official full week of practice! Our regular Team practices are scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays. This week also includes Specialty practices, providing our athletes with the opportunity to explore different events like shot put, hurdles, long jump, and high jump, which are not covered in our team workouts. You can find the detailed Practice Schedule on our website.

Regarding Tuesday and Thursday, your athlete has the flexibility to attend both Specialty days, neither, or any combination based on their schedule and interest in trying these specific events.

A couple of quick reminders:

  1. Label Belongings: We found an unlabeled water bottle left behind after our last practice. Please ensure all belongings are labeled and remind your athletes to check that they have everything before leaving practice.
  2. Pick-Up Time: We had a couple of runners waiting to be picked up after practice. It’s important to pick up your athlete on time, as a coach has to stay behind until they are picked up, which is not fair to the coach.

We’re looking forward to an enjoyable week with your athletes! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Coach Jim



Training Plan

2025 Tigres 11-12 Training Plan
Specialty Events
Supplemental Training



Coach Jay Johnson

Coach of NCAA Track Team

The 400 meter master – Clyde Hart

Why Run High School Track?



Sprint Drills

Aerobic Warm Up

Sprint Warm Up

Single Leg Squat Clock


Great hip strength/stability exercise

Injury Management

Managing Tendinopathies

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