Hi Youth and Intermediate Families,


Some reminders for tomorrow, Saturday, 3/30



  • The 7:45 arrival time is the same, even when we travel to other locations. This time is important for athletes doing the 3200, hurdles, and 4×100. 


  • If your athlete will not be there but they have signed up for the relays, please let me know ASAP.


  • Beyond what your athlete typically packs for themselves, please have them take extra clothes, extra socks (2-3 pairs depending on how many events they are doing), rain gear, and 2 trashbags (1 for wet and 1 for dry). 


  • There will be Tigres EZ Ups in the stands, but we are a large team, so if you have one, please bring it. Moorpark has said we will be allowed to set up in the stands. 


Thank you for all of your support!

