What a great meet we had yesterday!!!!! I am soooooooo proud of the way your kids performed!!!!!! The following athletes have qualified for CCC:
Niza Laureano Estella Wade Ty Brown
Olivia Mobley Peyton Mendez Shaun McLaughlin
Charisma Howard Ethan Sap Josiah Reyes
Emma Torres Chance Leandro Eli Torres
A huge congratulations to these athletes!!! Especially considering that most of these athletes qualified in more than one event! I need confirmation from those I have yet to speak to of your athlete participating next week. Please contact me by email at realpple@yahoo.com or by phone 805-233-1662. I must know by tomorrow afternoon or your athlete could be dropped.
Also, there will be practice next week. Tuesday is event specific so I especially need the relay team members to be there. Again, great job, guys!
Coach Michelle