Our next meet is this Saturday at Westlake High School in Westlake Village, where we’ll compete against Team United from Oak Park and the surrounding areas. Currently, 22 kids have not indicated their chosen events. It’s possible they plan to be absent due to Spring Break activities. If your child plans to miss this meet—or the following one on Saturday, March 29th, at Buena High School—please let me know. This is especially important if your child typically runs on a relay team.
We’ve been asking kids who plan to attend the March 29th meet to finalize their event selections with me or my coaches in person. Since there will be no practice next week (March 24th–28th) due to the Ventura School District closure and lack of track access, we’ll also follow up with them this Saturday for their selections.
**Important Notes for This Saturday’s Meet:**
– Oak Park will not be providing water cup stations after each heat to reduce waste and help the environment. Therefore, it’s essential that our athletes bring their own filled water bottles. There are faucets at the top of the stadium for refills if needed.
– We will not have designated areas on the field for this meet. Instead, we’ll be seated in the stands and listening for our calls. We hope to have enough canopies to cover each division.
– Coaches will be on the field, and athletes may warm up there as well. Afterward, they will need to return to the stands.
– If your child is running the 3200m race, they should arrive at the stadium between 7:45 AM and 8:00 AM to ensure proper warm-up time.
– If your child is running hurdles or participating in a 4x100m relay team, they must arrive no later than 8:00 AM.
• Please let me know if your child will attend the next two Saturday meets or if they have planned absences.
• If your child intends to compete, ensure they’ve submitted their event choices to me or one of the coaches.
• Take note of the arrival times listed above.
• Make sure your child brings a filled water bottle this Saturday.
• There will be no practice during the week of March 24th–28th, but we will host a meet on Saturday, March 29th.
~ Coach Brian
(805) 746-7023