Head Coach:
Brian Guevara


Spring Break. No practice. We do host a meet this week.

Week 8: March 24 – 30

In order for kids to keep up their conditioning for the week, here are the suggested workouts:

3 workouts next week; get some hill work in if possible.
3-minute jog to warm up
25-35 minute run
Strength and Core

3 running workouts; run sprints uphill if possible.
3-minute jog to warm up
5 x 15-second full sprints (2-minute rest between each)
2 x 30-second full sprint (2-minute rest between each)
Strength and Core

Ask your athletes to be disciplined in their practice this week. I look forward to seeing them this coming Saturday at the Buena High School track. I’ll be in further contact with you this week to make sure that all the kids have selected their events. We have many but are missing several.

I know, for some, it is difficult to practice alone, while others thrive on it. Please let me leave you and your athletes with a few inspiring thoughts:

“The true test of a champion is not how they perform under the spotlight, but how they train in the shadows.” – Anonymous

“What you do when no one else is looking defines your character, and ultimately, your success.” – John Wooden

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Notke

~ Coach Brian

Upcoming Meets: Important Updates and Instructions for Athletes and Parents

Our next meet is this Saturday at Westlake High School in Westlake Village, where we’ll compete against Team United from Oak Park and the surrounding areas. Currently, 22 kids have not indicated their chosen events. It’s possible they plan to be absent due to Spring Break activities. If your child plans to miss this meet—or the following one on Saturday, March 29th, at Buena High School—please let me know. This is especially important if your child typically runs on a relay team.

We’ve been asking kids who plan to attend the March 29th meet to finalize their event selections with me or my coaches in person. Since there will be no practice next week (March 24th–28th) due to the Ventura School District closure and lack of track access, we’ll also follow up with them this Saturday for their selections.

**Important Notes for This Saturday’s Meet:**
– Oak Park will not be providing water cup stations after each heat to reduce waste and help the environment. Therefore, it’s essential that our athletes bring their own filled water bottles. There are faucets at the top of the stadium for refills if needed.
– We will not have designated areas on the field for this meet. Instead, we’ll be seated in the stands and listening for our calls. We hope to have enough canopies to cover each division.
– Coaches will be on the field, and athletes may warm up there as well. Afterward, they will need to return to the stands.
– If your child is running the 3200m race, they should arrive at the stadium between 7:45 AM and 8:00 AM to ensure proper warm-up time.
– If your child is running hurdles or participating in a 4x100m relay team, they must arrive no later than 8:00 AM.

• Please let me know if your child will attend the next two Saturday meets or if they have planned absences.
• If your child intends to compete, ensure they’ve submitted their event choices to me or one of the coaches.
• Take note of the arrival times listed above.
• Make sure your child brings a filled water bottle this Saturday.
• There will be no practice during the week of March 24th–28th, but we will host a meet on Saturday, March 29th.

~ Coach Brian
(805) 746-7023

Making Sure that Your Child is Signed Up for Saturday

We’re approaching our second meet, and the kids performed exceptionally well against Heritage Valley. I’m confident they’ll do great against the Flyers, too! However, we currently have 15 athletes who haven’t signed up or confirmed their absence.

If your child plans to compete but hasn’t signed up yet, please ask them which events they wish to participate in at our next meet at Buena High School this Saturday. Let me know as soon as possible so we can ensure they’re entered into the system, especially if they’d like to run in a relay. Relay teams need to be finalized by tomorrow evening.

Also, please have your children at the meet by 8:00 AM. Be sure to allow extra time for parking, as space is limited due to construction in the northern part of the lot.

Thank you!
~ Coach Brian

Will Your Child Be Competing This Saturday?

We had a lot of sign-ups today at practice.  As of this evening, there are 31 Youth & Intermediate athletes who haven’t signed up for this Saturday’s meet at Fillmore High School. I know of five athletes who told me that they will not be able to attend, but I have not heard from the others. Please let me know by tomorrow night if your child intends to compete this Saturday or if they will be absent.

As a reminder, this is a regular season meet, and your child can compete in a total of four events, of which only three may be running events, not including the 4x400m race, which is open to EVERYONE, regardless of hitting their max of three other running events.  If they wish to do a specialty event of the hurdles, high jump, or the shot-put, they will need to have received approval from the respective specialty coach.  If they aren’t sure they can speak with them tomorrow.

In the future your kids can reach out to me at our Monday or Wednesday practices to give me their event preferences.

You can respond to me at either or text me at (805) 746-7023. I’ll need their name and a maximum of three running events, and a one max field event, and if they wish to run the 4x400m race. Thank you!

~ Coach Brian

Yes, We Are Practicing!

Although no one has questioned it yet within our division, I want to reassure everyone that we are practicing through the rain. Here are some tips perhaps you can follow as closely as possible for your athletes to be a little more comfortable. I always found that when I ran in the rain or cold it was more important to keep the upper body warm than the lower body. The lower body will be warm due to the workout. Especially for distance runners.

1. Waterproof Jacket: A lightweight, waterproof jacket with a hood can keep you dry and comfortable. Look for one that is breathable to prevent overheating.

2. Moisture-Wicking Base Layer: Wear a moisture-wicking shirt to keep sweat away from your body. This helps regulate your body temperature and keeps you dry.

3. Waterproof Pants or Shorts: You can opt for waterproof pants or shorts, depending on the temperature. Please make sure they are comfortable and allow for a full range of motion.

4. Water-Resistant Shoes: Choose shoes with good traction to prevent slipping. Look for water-resistant materials to keep your feet dry. You can also use waterproof shoe covers for added protection. Remember, we are running on an “All-Weather” track, so our kids should be fine. It is up to you and your child, but what I used to do in heavy rains was to apply a thin sock set, then a thin plastic bag held to my leg with a rubber-band, followed by another sock. I had my boy do this when he ran in the snow and sleet at an XC National Championship in Nebraska one year. His feet were dry while others were soaking and cold. Frankly, you may not have to do this today, as it isn’t that severe. But just a thought.

5. Hat or Cap: A hat or cap with a brim can help keep rain out of your eyes, improving visibility.

6. Socks: Wear moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and prevent blisters.

7. Lightweight Gloves: If it’s chilly, lightweight gloves can keep your hands warm without affecting your grip. Again, it is not that cold today, so this may not be needed, but if your child is very warm-blooded, then you may want to consider this. They can always remove them if they get too warm, like anything else that I’ve outlined above.

~ Coach Brian

Heritage Valley Blazers vs Ventura Tigres

We are marching into our first season meet this coming Saturday. The kids are practicing hard, and I expect to see new PRs. Remember your kids need to submit to me or one of our Assistant Coaches their preferred events that in which they would like to partake. This week, like the remaining weeks to follow, they have the opportunity to compete in four total events of which only three can be running events. Not including the 4x400m which is ALWAYS open to ANYONE regardless of if they are maxed out, during the regular season.

As usual the meet commences at 8:30 AM sharp. Normally we ask our athletes to be there by 8:00 AM, especially if they are running the 3200m or the 4x100m, so they can warmup with enough time. However, the Fillmore High School Track has a small parking area attached. I would recommend on arriving between 7:30 AM and 7:45 AM to garner a good spot. Otherwise, you will need to find street parking or park in the lot that is located East of the baseball diamond and walk to our meet. Not too bad, unless you are carrying heavy or bulky items. We’ll see you there. Go Tigres!

Get the Kids in Bed, and We’ll See You Tomorrow!

We are almost 12 hours away from our first meet. The Austin Gambill Memorial Track Meet. Please have the kids there, at the Buena High School Track, by 8 AM. Especially anyone that is running in the 100m Hurdles, and the 1600m races. They’ll need to make sure that they are warmed-up. The meet starts promptly at 8:30 AM. We will meet near our normal practice area. The kids will get stickers to attach to their singlets for checking-in purposes. They’ll need to see the coaches for these.

Although I can’t predict the exact time that the meet will end, it will be much shorter than our usual league meets. I look forward to seeing you all there. Remember if you need to get ahold of me in the morning with any emergency or concern please call or text me at (805) 746-7023. I don’t always hear my phone, but I’ll get ahold of you once I realize that you have called or texted.

~Coach Brian
Go Tigres!

Is Your Child Signed Up for Saturday’s Meet?

As of this morning there are 43 Youth & Intermediate athletes who haven’t signed up for this Saturday’s meet at Buena High School. I know of two athletes who told me that they will be out of town, but I have not heard from the others. Please let me know by tonight if your child intends to compete this Saturday or if they will be absent.

As a reminder, this is a practice meet so we are limited on events for this race only. Your child has the following from which to choose: 1600m, 100m, 200m, 4x400m relay. The following three will need approval from their specialty coaches: 100m Hurdles, High Jump, and Shot Put.

In the future your kids can reach out to me at our Monday or Wednesday practices to give me their event preferences, which will include the 4x100m relay, 400m, 800m, 3200m, and the Long Jump, in addition to the events listed in the previous paragraph.

You can respond to me today at either or text me at (805) 746-7023. I’ll need their name and a maximum of two running events, and a one max field event. Thank you!

~ Coach Brian

Independent Training for Saturday & Monday

Good evening, Tigres. We are entering, hopefully, our last week of limited official practice. Please take this time to put in disciplined effort and workout on your own.

For Saturday

Sprinters: Run 10 minutes of easy cross-country type of running. Five minutes out, then five minutes back. The pace should be at about 60% of your top speed. You should be able to hold a conversation with a running buddy. Finalize it with 4x100m strides. Focus on your form. Keep your body relaxed, including your head, jaw, and shoulders. Looking straight ahead, with your thumbs resting against your index fingers. Moving your elbows back and forth in a straight line, making sure to not cross your body with your hands and arms. Focus on bringing up your knees, and more importantly, driving your feet quickly into the ground, pushing off with your next step. Run at 90% for 100m and repeat four times.

Distance: Run and easy conversationalist pace for five miles.

For Monday

I recommend for both sprinters and distance runners on attending the informal practice at Arroyo Verde Park from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Sprinters: If you are unable to make it to AVP then find yourself a hill or inclined treadmill and after 1/2-mile warm-up run, and several warm-up exercises; run 10 x 10 second sprints, resting 20 seconds in between each set.

Distance: Run, non-stop, for an easy 20 – 25 minutes. Shoot for about a 60% – 70% of top speed. Stay focused on nice form, and keep your entire body relaxed.

I congratulate you on your discipline to carry-out these workouts independently, and I look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday, February 19th on the track at 4:30 pm to show me your fitness.

~Coach Brian

Wednesday Warrior Workout

You were probably notified last night that there is no practice today because the Buena High School track field will be used for a CIF soccer match. However, you still need to put in the work today to be ready for your first meet on March 1st. We are having a lot of interruptions this year, so we have to learn how to adapt. If you allow these interruptions to knock you off your plan, I guarantee you that you will not be in top condition and will be sorry for your poor performance during your upcoming track meets. Let nothing keep you away from being your best!

Remember to do a warm-up and cool-down, before and after your workout.

Sprinters: Run two miles. Start by jogging about 800 meters, then pick up the speed to about 70% of your top speed for the next 800 meters. Then, without stopping, slow your pace back down to an easy jog for another 800 meters, and finish off with another 800 meters at 80% of your top speed.
Distance: Run three miles. During your mileage, select four times to pick up your speed to 80% of your sprint pace, and carry that pace for 400m. Slowing down to a light jogging pace in between.

If you do not have a running watch to mark your mileage, you can also download a running app on your phone, like Strava or RunKeeper to help you gauge your distance. Kimball Park in East Ventura has a concrete circular running path that is about 1.3 to 1.5 miles in circumference. Other options are to use a treadmill at home or a gym if your family has a membership. Stationary bike, or other cardio device that can help you get your heart rate up for a while. Lastly, if all fails jump rope for 20 minutes or try the following YouTube link: Do this work out three times, taking a two-minute break in between each set. Good luck!

I saw a Special Forces officer today and he, coincidentally, was discussing unexpected challenges that we face in life. He commented that he trains special people who “…ask not for a lesser burden, but for broader shoulders in which to carry the extra load…”

This leads me to our quote of the week: “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going” – Beverly Sills, Singer.

In light of our repetitive challenges of not having practice let me leave you with the following:

Life is all about growing and changing. Being able to adapt to new things is a sign of intelligence and strength. Every challenge we face is a chance to get stronger and improve ourselves. Success isn’t about never failing; it’s about continuing to try even after we fail. True strength comes from getting back up every time we fall.

By embracing change and seeing obstacles as opportunities to grow, we can make our lives meaningful and fulfilling. Remember, our greatest achievement comes from adapting, evolving, and rising up, no matter how many times we stumble.

💪 ~ Coach Brian